Hello! Are you a big company?

Hi! We're a small boutique design studio. Being small allows us to work closely with our clients to come up with beautiful, thoughtful design solutions. Our clients really like this.

Will you sneak off in the middle of the night?

No! We've been in business since 2003.

Whew! What kind of things do you make?

Hoo boy. We pretty much run the gamut from printed things like books and magazines, art catalogues, event signage and posters, and digital things too, like websites and web applications.

Well but the thing I need isn't in that list...

We've seriously done so many unique and interesting different types of projects over the years that we couldn't possibility list them all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

If you have an idea for a project — get in touch and see if we can do it! Even if we can't, we can often help point you in the right direction.


Attention lovely clients: After years of increasing spams, scams, and shams, and with the rise of alternate communication technologies, we've decided to retire our public-facing telephone number. Please send a note if you'd like to arrange for verbal communications :-)